In life you are going to face that SINGLE person with exact similar situations where you were before - might be in different forms
- [ ] hungry
- [ ] drunk
- [ ] depressed
- [ ] hurt
- [ ] sick
- [ ] struggle
- [ ] love
- [ ] bankruptcy
When you face them , there are two possibilities that can happen -
1. give them your hand (as you were taken by someone else) and help them.
2. you would turn back with a REASON.
If you are going forward with no.1 - wonderful,
if you have thought of going with no.2 - careful, this is the moment of real test in your life .
Why - so?? Let me take you to a story in Quran
There was 3 individuals from the generations of prophet Ibrahim (a)
1. Bald man
2. Man with Leprosy
3. Man with no vision
Angel was sent to all 3 of them in a normal human appearance and asked them 2 questions-
- [x] “what is that you want to change about yourself?”
- [x] What type property is most beloved to you??
1. The bald man asked for hair , as he was avoided and felt ashamed of not having hair in the public - angel touched him and he got a perfect hair , he requested for cows

2. Man with Leprosy asked for good skin and cure of the disease - angel touched the skin and got cured , requested for a camels

3. Man with no vision - he asked for cure from blindness, as what happened on those previous 2 persons, this time he got his vision back and able to see well and good, he requested for

Now the story changes
All of those 3 mans animals

Then the angel came back to these 3 man in the same appearance that they were before - as bald,blind and leper with poverty
The angel asked them for support, the leper and bald-man denied and turned their back
The blind man as soon as he saw the person as he used to be, he welcomed him well and explained him that I was exactly like you before and I was blessed with vision and all these property - agreed to help him
The first 2 had a worst life all their property was taken away and turned back to what they were before.
Now this an incident in Quran, make sure that which one you want to be amongst those 3.
You will face yourself one day for sure— please don’t fail yourself

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